Ida (2013)

Episode 14: Ida (2013)

Devon and Doug talk about the only Polish speaking film to ever win an Oscar on Casimir Polaski Day

Show notes

Happy Casimir Polaski Day! If you don’t know what that is, you’re still invited to come celebrate it with us! Oh! We also talk about an incredible Polish film we saw. No, really. It blew our minds.

Fun fact : Ida (2013) was the first Polish speaking film to ever win an Oscar.

Also, Neil (The Eastern European fellow from the “Some Like It Hot” episode) called us back to report that he and his husband Mikhail (who called in on our “The Man Who Fell To Earth” episode) are back together! He also tells us a little about his current project.

Devon pulls a sneaky dirty rotten move during this week’s “Let’s Franchise This, Baby” segment.

Our HQ :

A Spillway Sound Production with Radio Free Rhinecliff



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