The American Friend (1977)

Episode 8: The American Friend (1977)

Doug and Devon tell behind the scenes stories about Wim Wenders' The American Friend

Show notes

Dear Diane, the world is less interesting now. First and foremost, we talked about David Lynch a little at the very end of this episode. Here’s the rub - this show was taped the night before the world learned that Lynch let death talk him into leaving us. We will address this next week but know that both of us adore Lynch’s work and were heartbroken to learn that he is no longer with us. We hope both David Lynch and Death are laughing together while keeping each other company. As for this episode, it is very different. Doug turned the phone lines off again so he could vomit out every behind the scenes story he knew about this movie. We get into our love for cinematographer, Robby Muller and even tacked on another Dennis Hopper story “after the credits” for good measure. Also, thinking we had extra time, we took the “Let’s Franchise This, Baby” segment to a whole other level so don’t get all weird about the runtime. It’s a packed show. Anyway, there’s a fast forward thingie right there on the player if you get bored, Susan.

Enjoy the show!

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